January is School Board Recognition Month and an opportunity for local schools and communities to honor Oklahoma's more than 2,700 elected school board members for their dedication to children and schoools.
"Providing our community's children with a solid education is the most important investment we can make," said Dr. Dewoody, Superintendent. "We're proud of our district, and School Board Recognition Month is the time to say thank you and celebrate the accomplishments of our elected board members."
In Tenkiller, school board members must develop policies and make tough decisions on complex educational and social issues impacting the entire community. They bear responsibility for an annual budget of $4 million, 250 students and 39 employees.
"School board members make critical decisions that affect Oklahoma children and oversee billions in educational expenditures," notes Dr. Dewoody. "They preserve the core of our democracy-public education."
Tenkiller's Board of Education members are Darryl Mathews, Daryl Robbins and Cody Quetone. We are thankful for their leadership and dedication to providing an excellent education for our students.